Dear Videos Collecting Dust on Youtube...

We're done with you. It's over.

It's time to explode your Youtube Growth, and build your authority, audience and income. 

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If you are anything like my clients you might be thinking...

"I've put videos on youtube and they aren't getting views, nor or are they helping my business"

or maybe...

"I've thought about it but I'm overwhelmed with how to start, and no idea how to leverage Youtube for my business, and I don't have time for another platform"

YES! I'm ready to get started!

the problem

Here's what I hear:

“My YouTube videos aren’t getting any views and it’s driving me crazy!”

“How are people actually getting clients from posting videos? It just doesn’t work for me!”

“The thought of getting in front of a camera is stressing me out but I know video is what I need to grow!”

“Help me Anita!!! I’m lost and overwhelmed on where to start.”

I get it. You know you need eyes on your business, so you maybe have tried to publish like crazy on social media, but those posts they only last a few minutes to hours and your back to the grind of posting, and if you aren't careful you will become a salve to social media. 

And yet... if you stop posting your reach will tank and no one will know they need you. 

Maybe you've tried to post videos and gotten no return. You are tired, and overwhelmed and you don't have time for trial and error.

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And you have to keep coming up with content.

You might think if you can come up with the right words, the right photo, the right hashtags then maybe, just maybe your post will go viral and your business sales problems will be a think of the past. 

And even if you came up with the content you don't know how to make it convert.

The best video without the right strategy will continue to launch to crickets. Similarly the video without strategic framework to convert the viewer may get all the eyes on it, and yet lead to no growth. 

And when your marketing fails your business fails. 

Without lead generation, lead conversion and lead nurturing you won't have the chance to show anyone just how valuable your product or service is.  Without income you will join the 85% of businesses that fail. 


With a few key tweaks you can turn your marketing around...

...and when I made these tweaks I went from tired and trying to get any client I could, to having clients come to me. Now, I'm on a mission to help other business owners have time to do what they do best, and let their marketing work for them. 

Yes, I'm ready!!

the backstory

As a service provider I kept posting on social media, engaging in facebook groups, networking with business owners and I was tired. I kept waiting for it to not be so hard and so dependent on me posting, or commenting. 

And then life got busy as a mom, and I couldn't spend the time I was spending anymore. Slowly my marketing stopped, and I noticed so did the potential clients.

Then, it hit me. Why wasn't I growing my youtube channel? The exact thing I knew was working for my clients?

I quit believing that I didn't have time to market my own business, but rather realized I needed to do this effectively.  I developed processes to save me time, and found they saved my clients time too. 

And when I got consistent with youtube, and made that first, my business grew by leaps and bounds. It grew to a place where I left my job, and was able to be full time with my family. Using the same strategies I found that my time spent on my marketing was also cut in half and getting better results. 

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just imagine

New eyes on your business while your sleeping. Imagine posting those videos and having them get new views days, weeks and months later on autopilot. 


banging your head against the wall or launching to crickets...

This isn't another thing for your to do list, this is a process to create effective marketing, efficiently. 

Yes, I want the youtube playbook.

go deeper

Learn the framework to help you get your videos up, and repurpose those videos to create omnipresent marketing. Even if all I taught you was how to leverage Youtube, that alone would be worth it, but i know you are busy, and I want you to have the exact processes I use to make this doable for me while still serving clients. 

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Learn My Proven Marketing Accelerator System.

The same processes that allowed me to save my clients 44 weeks of time last year, while I was working, raising my son, and growing my business.

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Grow Your Income and Impact

With more eyes on your business in a manner positioned for conversion to clients and sales you can bring in more income. With that income you can have a great impact in your home, in your community and in the world. 

A few hours of learning, and then implementing with my proven framework you will see your audience, sales and authority grow!



The Youtube Growth Playbook designed to give you straight actional steps to bring in more leads, income and impact. 

The exact steps I took to grow my income 883% in 30 days. 

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How to create great videos...

I share keys with you about scripting, filming and editing your videos so you can have a professional marketing machine.

How to get them seen on Youtube...

I help you understand all about how Youtube works so you can know how exactly to use Youtube as a business asset. 

How to have more time...

I'll share the time saving tips that really matter to help this be doable for your business. 

Teaching you how to position your expertise to bring in new leads, income and impact. 


When you can have eyes on your business while your sleeping, you can grow to meet your goals faster than you imagined.


Doors are closing!

To ensure the success of those who enroll, and be available to give the best to those who join in I will have to close the doors soon!

Yes, I want to check out the offer now

and more

I'm jam packing the bonuses to help you be successful. 


Marketing Acceleration Framework

I'm going to give you the exact framework I use to repurpose my content, and the content of my clients. 


Youtube Workflow

I'm giving you my Trello Board workflow that helps me plan, organize and execute videos for my channel. 


Basic Video Editing Tutorials

With over 13 years of video editing experience I'm going to give you the key tips to get you started with great looking videos!


Getting Started Checklist

I'm giving you the exact checklist to get started with your youtube channel and key steps to get going.


Video Ideas To Get You Started

I don't want the reason you fail to start to be because you can't come up with a video. I'm giving you the video ideas to start with so you can succeed! PLUS I'm including ALL the Q and A calls packed with answers to your questions


Content Planning Framework

I know that you need to plan your own content ideas! I'm going to walk you through how I plan a years worth of content and give you the frame work to make this happen for yourself!

Youtube Growth Playbook


It's time to explode your Youtube Growth,

and build your authority, audience and income. 

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10 Step Youtube Growth Playbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . (Value $497)
Marketing Acceleration Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)
Content Planning Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)
Youtube WorkFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $397)
Basic Video Editing Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)
Getting Started Checklist and Video Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  (Value $97)
RECORDED Q and A Calls from live Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  (Value $997)
TOTAL VALUE = ( over $3000)

Today's Price = $1997

Yes! Iā€™m Ready to Get Started Today!

they said

This takes business owners from overwhelmed, and frustrated to saving time and direction.

Jennifer Elia
Elia Content Marketing Services

Saved time.

The Youtube Growth Playbook was incredible. It walked me through everything I need to know for establishing my Youtube channel. I felt like I was able to pull it all together easily and Anita shared inside secrets that would have taken me so much trial and error to figure out. The templates and printouts were super helpful, too!"

Sally Stansfield
Beyond the Stick Figure

Gave direction and insight.

We've been working on Youtube for awhile but have been just trying things out. We needed direction and insight. The Youtube Growth Playbook delivered that and more. We now have a startegy and plan to go forward. Instead of just guessing and hoping it works. These videos and resources were very eye-opening and educational. We are looking forward to using more of FDS Creatives offerings to continue to grow our channel.

With the Youtube Growth Playbook you too can grow your business while saving time, and avoiding some the trial and error phase.

videos for you!



What waiting will cost you is not just time, but the income from the clients who weren't able to find you when they needed you. 

Youtube Growth Playbook


It's time to explode your Youtube Growth, 

and build your authority, audience and income. 

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10 Step Youtube Growth Playbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . (Value $497)
Marketing Acceleration Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)
Content Planning Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)
Youtube WorkFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $397)
Basic Video Editing Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)
Getting Started Checklist and Video Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  (Value $97)
RECORDED Q and A Calls from live Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  (Value $997)
TOTAL VALUE = ( over $3000)

Today's Price = $1997

Yes! Iā€™m Ready to Get Started Today!

you asked

What if I know nothing about youtube?

No worries! This will help educate you on all the things. I even have a walk through on how to upload a video!

I have a youtube channel and it's not doing anything for my business, why is this different?

I've reviewed hundreds of channels and have found some of the most common things channels are missing are easy fixes that can make a world of difference. Like any tool, if not used properly it won't do the job. My goal is to make youtube the best thing that ever happened to your business. 

I have tons of videos I filmed but never got up.

Will this help with that?

yes! I'm going to give you a workflow, and editing tips to help you move forward.  Say goodbye to all the videos collecting dust in the memory of your computer and phone. 

What's more - let's say goodbye to the videos you did upload that got no views. 


This contains the exact information, workflows and strategy that has helped to grow my business, and the businesses of many of my clients. I can't personally take on everyone as a client, and I'm on a mission to help more business owners really leverage youtube for their business. The doors are closing soon!

Youtube Growth Playbook


It's time to explode your Youtube Growth, 

and build your authority, audience and income. 

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10 Step Youtube Growth Playbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . (Value $497)
Marketing Acceleration Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)
Content Planning Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)
Youtube WorkFlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $397)
Basic Video Editing Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $597)
Getting Started Checklist and Video Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  (Value $97)
RECORDED Q and A Calls from live Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  (Value $997)
TOTAL VALUE = (over $3000)

Today's Price = $397

Yes! Iā€™m Ready to Get Started Today!
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